

SKU: VT-RTZENGINE Categories: ,


Among the main innovations of the RSZ is the 110mm connecting rod, now shorter than the previous model RKZ, the World Champion engine.
Such solution features a torque curve able to ease the driver to race on short to mean length tracks.

The engines is completed by a new head, dismountable into two pieces, born from the incredible work that already led to the 2018 World Championship victory.
Both new models will be equipped with an expressly designed muffler. 

On its way to Victory on debut in the Australian Champiosnhip the RTZ has won RD1 and RD3, 2nd Rd5 with its sister engine RSZ winning RD4 and 2nd in RD2. 
it has also gone on to to be first across the line in the 2019 Race of Stars event. of the 6 outings the Vortex KZ engine claimed 4 Pole positions,
4 Final race victories and countless fastest laps.

DISPLACEMENT:                            125CC
ENGINE:                                          2 stroke

COOLING SYSTEM:                       water cooled with external pump

MAIN BEARINGS:                           Roller bearings
BORE AND STROKE:                     54×54,4 mm
  • Cylinder with nikasil coated running surface
  • Number of cylinder/crankase transfer: 5/3
  • Crankase reed valve intake
  • Fully machined intake section and transfers
  • connecting rod center to center distance: 115 mm
  • engine head with insert provided as standard